Patricia Harvell Ali

Patricia Harvell Ali

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Updated On April 19, 2022
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Muhammad Ali’s ex-girlfriend Patricia Harvell Ali. In the early 1970s, the pair was together.

Muhammad Ali is a renowned boxer who is often regarded as the finest in the sport’s history. He is also a player of the century who inspires others.

Patricia Harvell Ali’s Early Life

Patricia Harvell Ali’s birth date has remained a mystery to this day. She was, however, born in the United States of America.

Her husband, the great Muhammad Ali, was born in the United States of America on June 3, 1966. As a result, we don’t have specific age information. There isn’t much information about her parents’ names and occupations, nor about her siblings.

She was born in the United States and may have followed the same religion as her husband, Muhammad Ali. In addition, she is of mixed race.

Patricia Harvell Ali’s Career

Patricia Harvell is a well-known author. Ali is a hardworking lady. However, she has never acknowledged her occupation in the public sphere.

She was most known for being Muhammad Ali’s girlfriend. Muhammad Ali is the all-time greatest boxer in the sport’s history. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, he dominated the game. He won the heavyweight championship three times throughout his career.

Patricia Harvell Ali - Net Worth 2021, Salary, Age, Height, Bio, Career

Source: Popular NetWorth

In 2005, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush. And he is without a doubt the most inspirational athlete.

She is also a businessman, as is Muhammad’s daughter Miya Ali. She has also held the position of group sales manager. A book titled Muhammad Ali: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Forgiveness is also available.

Miya Ali, her daughter, wrote the novel to communicate her feelings about her excellent father. Ali survived for around a year and a half. He died in a Phoenix hospital after being treated for Parkinson’s disease-related breathing difficulties.

Patricia Harvell Ali’s NEt Worth

Patricia Harvell Ali and her family have a good existence. Her effort has brought her a substantial quantity of money. Her wealthy daughter’s overall net worth is estimated to be at $1 million dollars. As of 2021, her spouse, Muhammad Ali, has a total net worth of over $80 million US dollars.

Patricia Harvell Ali’s Relationship

Moving on to Patricia Harvell Ali’s personal and private life, she is now single. In the early 1970s, she had a connection with Muhammad Ali.

They did not, however, survive long and eventually split up. Khalilah Fletcher Ali is the couple’s son, and Miya Ali is their daughter. She remained unmarried after her divorce and raised her children on her own. Muhammad started dating Aaisha Fletcher at the same time.

Patricia is very forthright about her gender preferences. In addition, he is not involved in any problematic occurrences.

Social Media and Body Measurements

Patricia Harvell Ali is attractive and seems to be in good health. The famous wife is of average height with a weight that is proportional to her height.

While she has yet to reveal her body’s total measurements. In addition, her skin is dark brown, and her hair is black.

Patricia Harvell Ali does not have any social media accounts. She dislikes exposing intimate events to the public eye. However, Miya Ali, her husband’s daughter, is active on social media.